
หน้าแรก / Instagram @pearypie / รูปของ แพรี่พาย


แพร อมตา จิตตะเสนีย์


อินสตาแกรมของ แพรี่พาย






| Make-up Artist turn Cultural Activitst • student of earth and environmental study believing in creating a better change • [email protected]

@pearypie : •Nature Reconnect mini exhibitions ‘There’s something about connecting with the Earth that harmonises our internal rhythms, induces inner-peace and recharges us’ Our modern world has encouraged us to become increasingly disconnected from nature. We live indoors, wear shoes that create a barrier to the Earth, work in offices, are subject to constant distraction, hyper-stimulation and generally (many of us at least) have a distinct lack of connection with nature. This stress on our system creates stress and anxiety. Over time, it takes its toll on our mental and physical health too. Without a connection with the Earth, we don’t get that incredible sense of supportive calm and well-being that happens naturally when we are earthed. Connecting with the Earth literally brings us to life. It breathes us. It restores and rejuvenates our energy field. The frequency of Mother Earth is incredibly healing. It’s perfectly configured for optimal human beingness. Thanks guys for sharing your feelings with us! Self reflection is very important and talking is healing! #feelittohealit #unknowntogether #connectinghappiness #chiangdaoclassroom